Does your attic need insulation upgrades?

Properly insulating your attic can reduce home energy use, reduce energy bills, and make your home more comfortable. Here at Hayes Insulation, our insulation professionals provide comprehensive attic insulation services for homes across Nashville, TN. When you need an insulation contractor you can trust, choose the team with a track record of success. Read on to learn more about the two main components of attic insulation—air sealing and insulation—and then contact our team to set up a free consultation today!

Air Sealing


After air sealing, an attic must be given a layer of insulation for optimal energy saving benefits. Typically, our insulation team will add blown-in fiberglass insulation. Read on for a list of the insulation products offered by our team at Hayes Insulation.

Worker installing spray foam insulation in a tiny home wall beneath a window.

Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation takes care of both air sealing and insulation in one step and with one product. Polyurethane foam is sprayed on leak sources in your attic to stop unwanted air flow and help maintain your home’s temperature year-round. We offer different types of spray foam insulation for use in different attic environments.

Blown-in Attic Insulation Install

Fiberglass Insulation

Fiberglass insulation is a common and highly effective attic insulation solution. When providing all new insulation on a new or remodeled home, our professionals will typically use fiberglass insulation after sealing air leaks. For homes with existing insulation and sealant, an extra layer of fiberglass insulation is added to increase the R-value of the property.

Ask About Attic Insulation Services

To learn more about our attic insulation services, contact our team today to set up an appointment.