Published On: March 19th, 2020Categories: Commercial Insulation

Recently the Narrow Gate Foundation reached out to The Hayes Company in Nashville, TN with a challenge. They had a barn that they use as an education center and it was in need of insulation. The Narrow Gate Foundation provides training for international men in sawmill operation, woodworking craftsmanship, best business practices, and Christian ethics so these men can return to their home countries with business skills that help build their local economies.

The Hayes Company in Nashville, TN was honored and eager to help so we came up with an insulation recommendation. The Narrow Gate Foundation did not have framing in the barn’s ceiling so there was no accessibility for traditional fiberglass to be used in the ceiling. Because of this, spray foam insulation was the perfect option to maintain a comfortable temperature. The walls were already professionally framed, so our recommendation was to install fiberglass in the walls.

Spray foam insulation was installed in the ceiling and it looks incredible. The next step is to install fiberglass insulation in the walls to complete the insulation project. Once complete, the education center will be a comfortable, conditioned space to support the mission of the Narrow Gate Foundation.

Ceiling insulation in a long renovated barn.